Writing and Media and Work Stuff

Published Writing

Advising & Consulting

Whether it’s a one-time gig or a long term working relationship, I advise, consult, and generally educate a variety of professionals behind the scenes. For example:

New opportunities? Talk to me.

Workshops and Trainings

I’ve developed training for medical professionals on a range of topics, from basic trans 101 to trans adolescents to nonbinary transition (my favorite, of course). I present my own workshops at national transgender conferences such as Gender Odyssey (2012-2016), Philadelphia Trans Health (2012, 2013, 2016), and Gender Spectrum (2012, 2013, 2018).

A recording of my NonBinary Transition workshop is available, as are the slides for my NonBinary Youth session.

Other workshops and presentations are available here.

Media Coverage

A non-exhaustive list of articles, documentaries, interviews, photoseries for which I’ve been interviewed.

GenderQueer photo series, by Chloe Aftel
and more…

Press Inquiries

If you’d like to feature my story or a consultation to learn about best practices for covering transgender identities, please get in touch and include all relevant information about yourself as a journalist, the publication, and the article in question.